Awesome small back yard in Windandsea Beach California!

Here is a great New York Times article with some spectacular photo’s of a small garden space in Windandsea Beach California! Some great inspiration for us all!


Photos Laure Joliet for The New York Times

Published in: on August 14, 2013 at 3:39 am  Leave a Comment  

Amazing structure in the desert in Arizona!

Check out this amazing shelter/structure on the desert floor outside of Scottsdale Arizona!

A student at Taliesin, the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture calls it home and I think it is just about the most perfect get away I could ask for!

A mid-century Rodney Walker masterpiece in Ojai…

Check out the link to this amazing mid-century Rodney Walker Masterpiece in Ojai!







Mr Walkers Case Study houses are well known and loved. His personal residence sits on 3.4 acres and features a gated private drive, parking plaza, with four bedrooms and three bathrooms. It was recently on the market, offered at $2,950,000 and has since sold.








Some amazing small space finds at 1stdibs

Check out one of my favorite shopping resources 1stdibs! although very high end they really are the go too source for that 1 fantastic thing that will set your home apart from the rest. Below are a few of my favorite pieces from their “Small spaces” collection.


Rare breed chickens make a come back!

I know I post about some rather eccentric things but you have to stay with me here. I have always loved chickens, ever since I was a small child. I love the idea of some rural farm and raising rare chickens! I went wild when I read this great article from about a man who raises these beautiful rare french chickens.

Beautiful moving announcements from

Being in the business of helping people move I am often asked about resources for moving announcements. Although I have blogged about classic Crane & Co announcements in the past, I think the selection From is young, fun and contemporary. They have a quite a few to choose from and my personal favorites are below.
moving 1

moving 2




Probably the best mid century remodel ever!

I found this mid century remodel on my favorite website Houzz today. I think it is the best mid century remodel I have ever seen (and I have seen a lot)! The wall of windows are my ultimate fantasy, they way the open the back of the house is amazing. The before and after pictures are the true testament to the architects talent.

Going solar powered for the earth and your wallet…

I started doing a little research on solar heating and found prices range from $4,600 for a “closed loop system” to $20,000 if you want to go all out and be off the grid.
With more than 300 days of sun a year in Ventura, we can really take advantage of this.

A solar thermal water heating system can pay for itself in three years or less. Typically, these cost under $5,000, and can reduce your monthly hot water heating bill between 50 – 100%.

solar roof

How Solar Panels Work

A closed loop solar thermal system will preheat water going to your hot water heater. If “closed loop” sounds like technical babble, it is simply a system of pipe that circulates a liquid (either water or anti-freeze) through a self-enclosed system. The most popular and widely recommended of these is a system using glycol or anti-freeze, which costs about $4,600 (with prices decreasing all the time).

Heating an average pool for the swimming season uses about the same amount of energy as most homes require per year! The costs go beyond just monthly heating bills when you consider greenhouse gas emissions. A solar pool heater pays for itself quickly.

pool heating 2


A solar pool heating system will cost between $2,000 and $4,000, depending on size, model specifications and options (e.g. automatic controls). Since you are saving energy, you may qualify for government financing incentives.
Unlike gas and electric heaters, which should be serviced by a technician every year, a solar heater requires very little servicing. Again, that means less cost and less hassle for the pool owner. is a great source of information on everything you might want to know about solar.

In need of some curb apeal?

Being a realtor I preview a lot of houses and know the importance of curb appeal! I think the easiest way to spruce up your front yard or entry is to go to your local nursery and buy a flat (6 packs of impatiens are $1.99) and plant away. Cheap and cheerful!




The other route is to hire a professional if you don’t like to get your hands dirty. Go to the website of my friend Anton Prack to see his amazing talent at revamping outdoor spaces, it is great inspiration for what can be done.

Before Anton


After Anton


Published in: on June 13, 2013 at 12:28 am  Leave a Comment  

Handlettered Logo’s from Defunct Department Stores…

I was perusing Paper Crave today when I came across an amazing link to a collection of Handlettered Logo’s from defunct Department Stores by Christian Annays.

What a walk down memory lane Bullock’s, Buffams, and my childhood favorite Lipman’s. What an amazing find and very inspiring!

Published in: on January 17, 2012 at 1:41 am  Leave a Comment